Our training program and church ministry offer workshops, seminars, and conferences to equip and motivate individuals for service and engagement. We are open to invitations and committed to supporting leaders in the church and community to thrive. Our leadership development training includes group seminars, pastoral and community leadership, and full-scale conferences. We provide biblical teaching that is relevant, challenging, and aligned with the long-term goals of Christ's Church, guided by our belief in the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God.​We believe that communities can reach their full potential and engage more meaningfully with our training. We offer workshops and seminars to help communities across America and the world engage their members, grow, and successfully share their story with the world.​Family and Relationships Enhancement is crucial as we know that family is the backbone of a strong community. Our specific workshops address foundations for healthy relationships and marriage, including communication between couples and conflict resolution. We also discuss beneficial topics related to relationships and family, such as positive role modeling and how to encourage children. Our workshops are valuable for parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends in the community.​Our mission at Hope Commission International is to go and make disciples of all people as ordered by the Lord Jesus Christ. We inspire and equip the body of Christ to deepen its relationship with God and spread His word. We believe that we all become a light to each other and our communities. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your community.